Use These Free Printables to Make a Recycling Classroom Door

Our free printables make it easy.

Send a message about how important recycling is in your school with these free printable recycling classroom door decorations. We’ve even got a video with ideas on making the most of them!


Door decorated using the Recycling Classroom Door Kit


How To Use the Recycling Classroom Door Kit


1. Download and print the door decorations. They’re all sized to fit on regular printer paper, so they’re incredibly easy to use!


2. Cut out the decorations and attach them to your door. Use the images in the video for placement tips, or come up with your own design. Try adding some actual recyclables for a cool 3-D effect.


3. Attach a dry erase board to your door and post new recycling facts each day. We’ve got a list for you to use.


4. When you’re ready to change out your door décor, be sure to recycle the paper and any other recyclables you used.


Recycling Facts For Your Door


Add one or more of these facts to your door, and change them out regularly!


General Recycling Facts


1. Here are 4 quick benefits of recycling:

  • Conserves natural resources
  • Saves energy
  • Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills
  • Prevents pollution

2. Of all the items Americans throw out, about half of it could be recycled instead.


3. Recycling uses less energy than making something new. For instance, making aluminum cans from recycled material uses 95% less energy than using new material.


Aluminum Can Facts


4. When you put an aluminum can in the recycling bin, it can be recycled, turned into a new can, and then be back on the shelves within 60 days!


5. In the United States, only about half of all beverage cans make it into the recycling bin.


6. Recycled aluminum cans can be used to make bicycles and airplane parts!


7. Thanks to recycling, nearly 75% of aluminum produced in the U.S. is still in use today.


8. Every half hour, America recycles more than 2 million aluminum cans.


9. Aluminum can be recycled over and over again, with no loss of quality!


Plastic Recycling Facts


10. Americans miss out on recycling more than 40,000 plastic bottles every minute.


11. Recycled plastic bottles can be turned into things like a:

  • Pen
  • T-shirt
  • Pair of shoes
  • Sleeping bag
  • Jacket
  • More bottles!

12. If you recycle just one plastic bottle every day of your life, the bottles stacked on top of each other would be more than 70 times the height of the Statue of Liberty.


13. When you produce plastic from recycled materials, it uses 33% less energy than making it from new materials.


Recycling Jobs Facts


14. More than 750,000 jobs in the U.S. exist because of recycling.


15. Recycling gives people the opportunity to earn more than $36 billion in wages every single year.


16. For every 10,000 tons of waste that are recycled, 16 jobs are created.


17. If the U.S. can achieve a recycling rate of 75% by 2030, it would create 1.1 million new jobs.


18. Recycling creates about 9 times more jobs than waste management.


19. Some of the many jobs in recycling can include:

  • Engineer
  • Scientist
  • Writer
  • Educator
  • Operations Supervisor

Find more Amazing Recycling Facts You Probably Don’t Know here!

Recycling Door Kit Printable & Facts

Recycling Door Kit Video

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Recycle Rally

Recycle Rally is a free K-12 program that provides rewards and tools to help enhance recycling at your school!

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