Free Email Templates for School Green Teams
Language that's ready to go!

Use these email templates to recruit new members and support for your school’s Green Team. Just cut and paste, update your info, and send your Green Team emails out to parents and staff! (Plus, get our free guide to building a school Green Team here.)
How to Use Email Templates
- Choose the Informational Email or Recruiting Email.
- Begin a new email or open a blank document in your preferred word processing program. (Be sure to enable editing if your program opens the file in protected view.)
- Cut and paste the template (header image included) into the body of a blank email or word processing program.
- Change the [bolded text sections] as needed.
- Copy the subject line and paste it into the subject section of a new email. (Be sure to delete it from the body of the email.)
- You’re ready to send Green Team emails to whomever you’d like!
Informational Green Team Emails Template
Subject: [INSERT SCHOOL] Green Team: Help Our School Enhance Environmental Sustainability!
Staff & Administration,
To help our school and community remember to recycle and implement other important environmentally sustainable practices, we would like to create a Green Team.
- Why should our school create a Green Team?
- It will be a great opportunity for our students to learn about the importance of our natural environment while also helping to implement positive changes in our school.
- Student Green Team members will encourage others to take simple actions, such as recycling and turning off the lights when everyone leaves a classroom.
- They may also implement bigger projects, such as [INSERT ADDITIONAL PROJECTS, GOALS, OR ACTIVITIES].
- Why should students join our school’s Green Team?
- The Green Team is a fun, simple way for students to gain leadership skills and build experience working with a team.
- Will the Green Team be a lot of work? No, Green Team members should not expect to spend more than an average of [INSERT # OF HOURS] hours per month.
- Our plan is to meet once per [INSERT WEEK, MONTH, etc.] and then to have committees or individuals spend an additional [INSERT HOURS] per month.
We hope you’ll encourage your students to join our school’s Green Team this school year. Please reach out to [INSERT GREEN TEAM LEADER] with any questions.
Thanks for your support,
Recruiting Green Team Emails Template
Subject: Encourage your students to join [INSERT SCHOOL NAME] Green Team today!
Teachers & Faculty,
[INSERT SCHOOL NAME] is about to go green! We are about to launch the first-ever [or continue our] [INSERT SCHOOL NAME] Green Team, and I’m reaching out to request your help!
As you may know, our school is a participant in PepsiCo’s Recycle Rally. A dedicated Green Team will bring us one step closer to our school’s Recycle Rally goals and increase our school’s sustainability efforts.
Here’s what I’d love your help with:
- Empower your students. Please encourage your students to come talk to me to learn more about the Green Team and how they can get involved. Joining this team is a great way to empower students to make a measurable impact and teach them valuable leadership skills.
- Lead by example. Promote sustainability practices such as turning off the lights when everyone leaves a classroom. Reduce, reuse, recycle!
- Spread the word. We want to build excitement around [INSERT SCHOOL NAME]’s Green Team. Please share announcements in your classroom and post updates on your social media channels!
Please reach out to me with any questions!
Thanks for your support,
Learn More

Recycle Rally
Recycle Rally is a free K-12 program that provides rewards and tools to help enhance recycling at your school!
Explore now
Additional Resources
Our comprehensive library of resources was designed to inspire the next generation of green leaders.
Explore now