Get Recycle Rally Tips From Our Participants
Because the best ideas come from other schools.

Just getting started with Recycle Rally or want to amp up your program? Check out these Recycle Rally tips from actual participants.
Recycle Rally Tips To Make It Fun and Exciting
“For February, our students will use their recycling bags to vote for which principal gets to kiss a pig. The one with the most weight gets to give the big smooch!” —Crain Elementary School
“The recycling captain selects the best recycler at lunch each day, and there is a drawing for a free Popsicle each week. We have recycling poster contests with winners. We have picked the best recycling class to be featured on the morning show saying the pledge. Plus, we had a recycling company come and collect our electronics and awarded the class with the greatest collection a pizza party.” —Lawton Chiles
“Our school has set small goals and rewards for whole-school participation. The school-wide prize was a movie at the end of the day!” —Smith Elementary School
“We made a video to Snoop Dogg’s ‘Drop It Like It’s Hot’ called ‘Drop It in the Box,’ using teachers as singers.“ —Saucon Valley Middle School
“We have offered an ice-cream sundae party to the classroom with the most participation. Get students involved in collecting recycling around the school classrooms, helping to sort/empty containers, and bring them outside to our recycling dumpster.” —Forest Ridge Academy
“Faculty vs. top classes every 9 weeks.” —Torres Elementary
Reward the Students With These Recycle Rally Tips
“They get their picture in the yearbook if they are part of the Green Clean Recycling Team. That’s a big deal to them.” —Salem Community High School
“Reward students with dress-down days!” —Midway Middle School
“Planting days for ‘Green helpers.’” —Lettie Marshall Dent School
“Badges (stickers) for reaching recycling goals.” —A.M. Waddington School
“Giving out small rewards/swag to motivate students and staff. Creating student recycling ambassadors.” —Battlefield Park ES
“Community service hours.” —Gwynn Park High School
“Develop a ‘Recycle Rally Cash’ reward system. For every Recycle Rally punch card that a student completes, they receive $100 worth of Recycle Rally cash. Students can then trade in their cash for prizes!“ —Cass Junior High School
“lncentivize students with a water-balloon fight or a pizza party!” —Doudna Elementary School
Recycle Rally Tips for Collecting and Handling Recyclables
“We as a class have created a job task. Each day students take the recycling out and we use it for a community-based instruction task along with getting a little outside time.” —Burwell Center
“We recycle from 4 to 5 p.m. after school and provide snacks for them when recycling is completed.” —Stroman Middle School
“We made it a contest among grades this year. Fifth grade recycled the first week of every month, sixth grade the second week, and so on. A teacher was responsible for one week of recycling 2x/school year. A year-end pizza party is the reward for the grade with the most pounds of recyclables.” —Conneaut Lake Middle School
“I sponsor an after-school group called EcoFriends, and they are the ones that help sort and enter information. We meet weekly or sometimes more often during the week, depending on how much our school is bringing in.” —Charles L. Kuentz Elementary School
“We made an eco-station where kids can recycle their cans and bottles at two different places in the building!“ —Whitemarsh Elementary School
“We also did a contest between the lunch shifts and had large posters where we colored in ‘trash bags’ to count the amount of recycling after each lunch. Giving the students as much responsibility as possible helps. I work with high school students, so once they had a system, they were able to mostly run it themselves.” —Garden City High School
“We work with the local fire department to collect their recyclables.” —Gwynn Park High School
Boost Involvement With These Recycle Rally Tips
“Our varsity basketball games and wrestling events have been a great opportunity for kids to roam the bleachers for empty bottles and cans.” —Progress Elementary School
“Come up with a recycling slogan that relates to your school colors or slogan. I used GREEN is the New RED (school colors are RED and WHITE).” —Carl Junction High School
“Check with green school certification programs to determine whether your recycling efforts can help earn recognition or special credentials.” —Judson High School
“Get the concessionaires to do more to promote and process recyclables at sports events.” —Austin High School
“Keep students updated on recycling progress. If they see what an impact their effort makes, then they are more likely to continue.” —Palmetto Academy of Learning & Success
“Posting things about the Recycle Rally on the school’s unofficial Facebook page is helpful, especially when people share the posts with others in the community.” —Hilltop Elementary
“Our PTA is a big cheerleader in this school-wide initiative too. There’s always a section in the PTA monthly newsletter highlighting our school’s recycling efforts. Our PTA environmental chairperson also helps out.” —Charles L. Kuentz Elementary School
“Try a ‘Fill a Bag by Friday’ contest! Each homeroom teacher gives her students a grocery bag and encourages students to bring back the bag full of recyclables on Friday.” —Valley Ranch Elementary School
“We use our local small-town paper to highlight activities, Facebook pages, etc.” —Alexandria-Monroe Elementary School
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Recycle Rally
Recycle Rally is a free K-12 program that provides rewards and tools to help enhance recycling at your school!
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