Recycle Rally FAQ: How It Works, How to Participate, and More

Everything you need to know about Recycle Rally.

Author: PepsiCo



Got a question about how PepsiCo Recycle Rally works? We’ve got answers!


Recycle Rally FAQ Table of Contents


About Recycle Rally

How It Works

What to Expect

Becoming a Recycle Rally Participant

About Recycle Rally


In this section of the Recycle Rally FAQ, learn what the program is, why it’s important, and how schools benefit.


What is Recycle Rally?

Recycle Rally is a free nationwide school recycling program designed specifically for K-12 schools. It provides access to a vast array of downloadable resources and valuable incentives. We want to inspire K-12 students and their surrounding communities to become proud and frequent recyclers.


Why is PepsiCo interested in recycling?

As a global company behind some of the world’s most popular beverage brands, we believe that effective recycling is essential to the future of our planet and our business. That’s why we’re committed to doing our part to make recycling work and advancing our vision of a world where plastic never becomes waste. Our approach is based on three interconnected strategies: reducing the amount of plastic that we use, recycling more plastic to support a circular economy, and reinventing the plastic packaging we use.


How will my school benefit from participating in the Recycle Rally program?

As a Recycle Rally participant, you’ll become a part of a growing network of schools to help engage students and staff in recycling, and you’ll have the opportunity to do the following:

  • Earn reward points as you report the recycling of eligible beverage containers through your online account and redeem those points for gift cards or recycling supplies to help your school, or fun merchandise and rewards to keep your students motivated.
  • Gain access to lesson plans, videos, and fun activities that can help tie students’ real-world experience with recycling into the classroom learning environment.
  • Through our impact tracker, you can track your school’s recycling activity in fun, engaging ways that can build pride throughout your whole community.
  • You can now create Rally Contests within your school. After starting your contest, check the leaderboard on your dashboard to see which teams have recycled the most.
  • Gain access to a detailed checklist for success in your account dashboard! This is a reference tool to help you with every step you need to take to recycle successfully at school. Since we understand every school year brings its own changes and challenges, you can restart the checklist as needed.

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How it Works


Take a look at this section of the Recycle Rally FAQ for info on what, how, and why to recycle.


What types of materials should we recycle through this program?

We encourage you to recycle everything that is recyclable through your recycling provider(s), but our programming and rewards have been based specifically upon recycling beverage containers made of Plastic #1—PET / PETE, Plastic #2—HDPE, and aluminum.


Our Accepted Materials Guide provides more details about how to identify the materials that may be tallied in your Recycle Rally account.


Does my school need to pay in order to participate?

There are no fees to participate in Recycle Rally. However, as a participant, your school may incur some basic costs associated with recycling, including contracts with a recycling service provider or third party who hauls the materials to a recycling facility. You may also find that your school chooses to spend some funds on supplies to aid with collection, or printing of posters, flyers, and letters to make sure everyone knows your plans and goals.


Will my school receive any supplies through this program?

When we accept your application, your online account will be connected to your school. Use this account to manage your school’s recycling program. Plus, you can access free resources to help build awareness and excitement in your school.


Welcome Kit

While supplies last, you may receive a Welcome Kit with Recycle Rally posters, magnet(s), stickers, or other supplies. To order one, click on “Redeem Points” in your account’s navigation pane and add it to your cart.


Incentive Opportunities

From time to time. Recycle Rally may offer special opportunities for your school to earn free recycling bins or other related supplies. We’ll announce these through email, so please ensure that the email address associated with your account is one that can be checked frequently. They’ll be available for a limited time, as specified in the promotion announcement.


Points Rewards

Report recycling activity into your account to earn reward points. Redeem points for supplies such as recycling bins, bags, or gloves, or reward items, such as t-shirts or gift cards to help your school.


How do we earn reward points?

Earning reward points is as simple as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Tally your recycling totals in one of two ways.
    • Method 1: Mixed Bin Count – Count the number of bins or bags of bottles and cans you recycled, the approximate size of those bins or bags, and the approximate mix of materials within those bins or bags. For help tallying your materials by bin/bag count, you can download our Tally Form for Mixed Bin Counts.
    • Method 2: Weight – Weigh bags of bottles and cans using a hand scale. If you would like to order a free hand scale while supplies last, visit “Redeem Points” in your account’s navigation pane. Record the weight of your materials to the nearest 1/10th of a pound. For help tallying your materials by weight, you can download our Tally Form for Weighed Recyclables.
  2. Log in to your Recycle Rally account.
  3. Click on “Report Recycling” in your account’s navigation pane and follow the simple instructions on the screen based on which tally method you’ve selected.

Point Maximum

Recycle Rally schools may earn up to a maximum of 500,000 rewards points during the school year. Each year on August 1, we will roll over up to 200,000 reward points to be applied towards your school’s point balance for the following school year. The points will expire in any accounts that are inactive (i.e., do not report any recycling) for 12 consecutive months.


Where can I access the resources, tools, and lesson plans?

Click here to visit our Resource Library.


Does Recycle Rally pick up materials?

Most applicants already have contracts or relationships with a recycling hauler or recycling center that handles the eligible materials, so we encourage new participants to utilize your existing local infrastructure to recycle bottles and cans.


Since participants may utilize a wide variety of recycling service providers across the country, be sure to check with your local recycling service provider and plan to comply with their sortation and delivery requirements.


Get Help With Setting Up Recycling

For schools that do not already have access to a recycling service, we encourage you to take advantage of our Recycling Service Toolkit to help find the best opportunity locally. Our support team is always available to assist if questions come up during your search for a recycling hauler.


For help with recycling Plastic #1/PET beverage bottles and aluminum cans, we encourage you to check your school’s eligibility to participate in another free PepsiCo-sponsored recycling program. CIRQU is a streamlined recycling process that aims to build circularity for beverage bottles and cans. In partnership with Replenysh, it utilizes a mobile app for scheduling recycling pickups and viewing impact.


Your school is eligible if:

  1. Your school is in an existing CIRQU market area. Please check the map on to confirm.
  2. If not in an existing market area, your school and location(s) within a 15-mile radius produce 12,000 lbs. /month plastic (PET) bottles and/or aluminum cans (~360,000 containers/month)
  3. You can ensure storage space for material – super sacks measure 3’x3’x3’.

You can determine your school’s eligibility by filling out the form here:


Is it okay to team up with other school(s) or organization(s) to support our participation in this program?

Yes, as long as the other school is not also enrolled in Recycle Rally. You can enlist the support of other schools, clubs, or organizations to help your school get the most out of this program. We do not allow two or more participating schools to share recycling totals with one another. (That could compromise the integrity of our Rewards Program.)


If your school organizes an event and/or partnership to collect and recycle bottles and cans from offsite events, we do not require you to bring the materials back to the school. However, you must verify that materials will indeed be recycled before you report them in your online account.


How do I use the Checklist for Success?

Become a recycling champion! Gear up with this action-packed checklist. Complete the tasks and see how your school recycles. Ready to get started?

  • Recycling Bin Placement. Make sure recycling bins are strategically placed.
  • Handle your recyclables. Make your collection process efficient and minimize sorting and handling duties.
  • Spread the word. Build awareness and inspire action.

Got even more genius ideas? Talk to your Rally Leader! They can add new items to fit your school’s unique goals. Check off your progress as you go, and see the percentage completed for each task right on your home screen.


Why create Rally Teams?

Unleash your inner recycling champion! Rally Teams lets you join forces with your grade level or classroom, to boost your recycling impact. Click “Rally Teams” in the main menu to get started!


How can my school host a recycling contest?

Challenge Rally Teams to compete against each other! Start your contest by clicking on “Contest” in the drop-down menu, pick start and end dates, select teams, and keep an eye on the leaderboard. Are your teams up for the challenge?


How can the Impact Tracker help my school’s recycling?

The Impact Tracker is your ultimate recycling sidekick! Get ready to:

  • Discover the impact: Recycling isn’t just about emptying your bin; it’s about helping the planet! The Impact Tracker shows you the real-world difference your school is making. Simply input weights of each material collected to get started.
  • Score awesome badges: Every bottle and can adds up and the Impact Tracker celebrates your efforts with cool badges! Redeem your points for the Impact Tracker poster to help track your badges earned over time.

Together, you can make a whale-sized difference! Access the Impact Tracker here.


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What to Expect


This part of the Recycle Rally FAQ covers the time and effort schools typically put in to participate.


Does my school need to put a lot of effort into this program?

We offer numerous opportunities to get involved, so you can determine what works best for your school and schedule. Increased involvement improves your opportunity to earn rewards and teach your students about the importance of recycling.


If Recycle Rally falls out of your routine, no problem! You can step right back in and take advantage of the program as soon as you are ready. Just note, if you do not log any recycling activity during a 12-month period, your reward points will expire.


We encourage you to establish a routine to tally your recycling totals so you don’t miss out on the opportunity to earn points. We recommend logging on to our website on a weekly basis to report your totals. However, many schools have created alternative schedules that work well for them.


How much time should I expect to spend as a leader of this program at my school?

The time commitment is completely dependent on how much your school wants to get out of the program. Many Rally Leaders enjoy working with the students on creative projects to decorate walls or recycling bins and spread the word about your efforts, but you certainly don’t have to. All you really need to do is to tally your recycling totals and report them into your account on a regular basis so you can earn reward points.


According to surveys, Rally Leaders typically spend between one and nine hours per month managing the program. Many successful Rally Leaders work closely with a Green Team or environmental club to help spread out the effort.


Who should my school enlist to help manage this program?

We recommend that you designate at least two individuals to support Recycle Rally at your school. Vital roles include Rally Leader and Rally Supporter.


Rally Leader

The Rally Leader should be a person with a passion for recycling. They must participate in and promote the recycling progress in your school. Good options include a teacher, principal, custodian, facility manager, PTA member, parent or other school representative.


This person serves as the Recycle Rally Team’s primary point of contact for distributing information to the school. They’re responsible for updating your school’s collection totals and online account. Rally leaders are the only ones who can redeem reward points on behalf of the school.


Rally Supporter

Rally Leaders may designate several other people from the school as Rally Supporters. Starting this Fall and coming soon, Rally Leaders will be able to grant Rally Supporters access to their own program dashboards. Rally Supporters will be able to use their dashboards to report collection totals and view the school’s recycling progress. They’ll also receive our emails.


Program Sponsor

It is also a good idea to enlist a Program Sponsor, which would typically be a school administrator. Their role is to help make recycling a priority for the school. They also provide support to help your school make the most out of your participation.


Green Team

A Green Team is a group of students that spreads the word and collects recyclables for Recycle Rally schools. It’s a great way to empower students to make a measurable impact and teach them valuable leadership skills.


How often will I receive communications from the Recycle Rally team?

We will provide regular email updates throughout the school year to help keep you and your students excited about recycling. Expect Recycle Rally messages in your inbox about once per month. They may contain information about promotions or giveaways, new exciting resources, and other important program information.


Because we plan to communicate regularly, it is very important to keep your designated Rally Leader’s contact information up-to-date. If anything changes, contact us by email at to provide updated contact information.


How long will my involvement with Recycle Rally last?

Once we accept your application, we’ll keep you enrolled as long as you continue to participate.


To unsubscribe from our email list, just click on the Manage Preferences/Unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our messages.


To un-enroll from Recycle Rally entirely, please send an email to


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Becoming a Recycle Rally Participant


Learn how to join and participate in this section of the Recycle Rally FAQ.


How do I get involved in Recycle Rally?

Applying to become a Recycle Rally participant is easy and only takes a few minutes! If you are eighteen (18) years of age or older and affiliated with a K-12 school and have authorization, visit, click on the Log In/Sign Up button in the upper right hand corner, and sign up for a Recycle Rally account. Once you have an account, you can log in and fill out an application form to register your school for Recycle Rally. Once you complete the application, monitor your inbox for emails from for updates on the status of your application within a week or two. (You may need to add our address to your safe sender’s list).


If you are under 18 or not affiliated with the school, reach out to a school employee or PTO/PTA representative to fill out the application.


What do I need in order to apply?

  • Access to a mobile device or computer and internet source.
  • Valid email address and contact information for a primary contact (“Rally Leader”) and secondary contact (typically the principal or other faculty member).

Before applying, review your plans with your school principal or other school administrator. Be sure they are comfortable with getting your school involved.


Do you accept all applicants into Recycle Rally?

Our goal is to make the program available to as many schools as possible across the U.S.. However, we cannot guarantee that all applicants will be admitted. Some reasons for denial include:

  • Information on your application is incomplete or inaccurate.
  • We cannot validate that your application represents an educational institution for students between Kindergarten and 12th grade within the U.S.
  • Participation is not approved by a school administrator or does not follow government regulations.

Ultimately, Recycle Rally reserves the right to enroll and terminate school’s participation in the Recycle Rally at any time.


I applied to participate but haven’t heard anything yet. What should I do?

If more than two weeks have passed and you haven’t heard from the Recycle Rally team, do not reapply. First check your spam or junk mail folder for an email from


If there are no emails in your spam or junk mail folder, contact us directly. Call Recycle Rally Services at (888) 875-6555. Or, email with the subject line “Was My Application Received?” Include your phone number, and a member of our team will contact you to address the situation.


What if my application information changes or needs to be updated?

Some of your account information is easy to update after logging into your account.
You can also contact Recycle Rally Support to change or update your information. Call (888) 875-6555 or e-mail and someone will gladly assist you.


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Recycle Rally

Recycle Rally is a free K-12 program that provides rewards and tools to help enhance recycling at your school!

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Our comprehensive library of resources was designed to inspire the next generation of green leaders.

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