Guide to Getting Started with Recycle Rally

Make the program work for you!

Author: PepsiCo




Welcome to Recycle Rally! We’re so happy to have you in our community.


Important note before you start:
Before signing up for Recycle Rally, you should have already verified that your school has a way to recycle plastic bottles and aluminum cans. Whether you have a recycling hauler scheduled to pick up your recyclables or a plan to transport them to a local recycling center, you’re ready to begin! If not, don’t worry. Check out our FAQ for more details.


Setting Up Your Recycle Rally Program


Once you’ve received an email notification that your school has been accepted to participate in Recycle Rally, please log in to your online account. There, you can access your dashboard which includes quick links to report recycling, redeem reward points, and visit our library of helpful resources.


Report Recycling

By reporting your school’s recycling activity, you can earn Recycle Rally reward points. Click here to learn how to report recycling and earn rewards.


Redeem Points

Once you have reward points in your account, you can redeem them for supplies, gift cards, and more! Click on “Redeem Points” in your program dashboard to view our list of rewards.


Resource Library

Don’t forget you can always access our vast array of resources, videos, tools, and more through our Resource Library.


Impact Tracker

See your progress through fun illustrations using the Recycle Rally Impact Tracker.


Checklist for Success

Available in your program dashboard, this checklist is a reference tool to help you with every step you need to take to develop and run a thriving recycling program at school.


Determine Your Priorities



Depending on how long you have been recycling, how many people will be involved in your recycling efforts, local infrastructure and awareness levels, etc., your goals may be very different from other schools. You may choose to set a collection goal, or you may start with a goal to simply report recycling at least once per month.


Time and Effort

The average Recycle Rally Leader spends two to six hours per month managing the program. This time is spent overseeing the recycling collection process, tallying and entering totals into the website, and engaging students through events and activities.


To minimize time, enlist a team!

  • Start small. We recommend at least one student and one adult assistant to help share duties and maximize effectiveness.
  • When you’re ready, launch a Green Team of students to help take it to the next level.
  • If you’re having trouble obtaining buy-in from your administrators, check here for tips.


Be Realistic—We’re Flexible

Your level of involvement may vary throughout the year, and that’s okay! You may enjoy more Recycle Rally benefits or make a bigger impact when you invest more time, but we understand the need for a break. For example, we encourage you to get into the habit of logging your recycling activity once a week, but if there’s a school break or standardized testing, go ahead and take a break from Recycle Rally and jump back in when you’re ready.




  • Develop a routine to track your recycling. For help, see How to Establish a School Recycling Routine.
  • If you use a digital calendar, set up a recurring meeting to remind yourself to log your recycling totals into your online account.


Lead the Way and Initiate Change


As a Rally Leader, you should plan to coordinate the following:

  • Make sure you have enough recycling bins to get started. Here are some ideas!
    • Use what you’ve got: Convert a trash can by adding a sticker or poster from our Welcome Kit.
    • Use points: Accumulate Recycle Rally reward points and redeem them for bins.
    • Make your own: We’ve got some great DIY bin ideas in our resource library.
    • Network locally: Consider reaching out to your community. Local businesses may be planning to discard barrels or bins that can be converted to recycling bins, or local organizations that want to promote recycling may offer free bins or grants to purchase them.
  • Make sure your recycling bins are located in the most effective places. See our Bin Placement Guide for the best locations.
  • Report your school’s collection totals and redeem reward points.
  • Manage your school’s online account and be sure to keep your contact information current.


Get the Word Out

  • Clearly communicate goals and the actions you are asking people to take.
  • Distribute Recycle Rally Resources to your team as you see fit. Hang the posters from your welcome kit or use printables from the Resource Library to call attention to recycling.
  • Call extra attention to recycling bins by transforming them into a game or activity. See Games to Make Recycling Fun for many suggestions.


Congratulations and welcome to Recycle Rally!

Have questions that aren’t covered in the Recycle Rally Getting Started Guide or FAQ? Feel free to contact us by email at or phone at (888) 875-6555.

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Recycle Rally

Recycle Rally is a free K-12 program that provides rewards and tools to help enhance recycling at your school!

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Additional Resources

Our comprehensive library of resources was designed to inspire the next generation of green leaders.

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