Free Printable: Opinion Writing Graphic Organizer
Tell us what you really think
At several points throughout the year, you’ll need to work on opinion writing with your students. There are many different ways you can help students understand the purpose of opinion writing. Here are a few ideas about opinion writing to get you started, plus an opinion writing graphic organizer you can download for free to get started right away:
Ask your students what they know about a topic, then teach them to ask questions about what they don’t know
This might seem obvious, but it’s important to get students to understand that they already know something about a topic and can learn more by asking questions. When you use something that students are already familiar with, you generally don’t need to teach new vocabulary or new concepts and can get right to the core of what it means to form an opinion. So consider reading this together with your students: Here’s What Zero Waste Schools are Doing. Then, ask them what they think about zero waste schools.
Follow this lesson plan on how to teach kids opinion writing
We’ve put together a lesson plan to help you teach your students about opinion writing. You’ll find ideas and resources to help you make your opinion writing unit engaging.
Download and print this graphic organizer
The graphic organizer on this page has all the basic parts of an opinion writing piece. Walk your students through each section.
Hot tip: Fill in your own graphic organizer. This way, you know places where kids might get stuck, and you can show visibly offer a template for your students to follow.
Opinion Writing Graphic Organizer
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