Get Recycle Rally Tally Forms and Learn How To Use Them
Put students in charge of keeping track!
Reporting your school’s recycling counts is an important part of participating in Recycle Rally. Print these Recycle Rally tally forms for mixed bags and weighed recyclables, and use them as a simple way to keep track of your recycling totals. Then, report the results in your online Recycle Rally account.
Tips for completing Recycle Rally tally forms:
- Follow the instructions and reference the sample entries. This will ensure you collect all the necessary information to enter in your online account.
- Only aluminum, PETE #1 plastic, and HDPE #2 plastic beverage containers earn reward points. We still encourage you to report all the materials you’re recycling. This may include fiber (paper, cardboard, carton), glass, other plastics, and metals.
Recycle Rally Tally Form for Mixed Bag Counts
Date: Record the date.
Location: You may opt to assign the recyclables to a Rally team.
Bin Size: Determine the size of the bin.
Materials: Next identify the contents of each bin.
Bin contents: Estimate the proportion of each material in the bin. For recycling bins that include a relatively even mix of materials, you may choose to write “Even Mix.” For recycling bins that include only one material, you do not need to fill in this column.
Reported: Mark this column when you have reported these materials in your online account.
Recycled: Mark this column when you have sent your materials for recycling.
Recycle Rally Tally Form for Weighed Recyclables
Date: Record the date.
Location: If applicable, note the location where you sourced the recyclables in the “Location” column.
Material: Record the weight readings for each material.
- Wait for the scale to read 0.0 lb.
- Then, place your bag of segregated recyclables onto the scale hook. Rather than closing the bag, poke the hook of the scale through it or wrap the bag around the hook to weigh it, so that the bag can be used again.
- When the light on top of the scale turns red and says “HOLD,” record the weight reading.
Reported: Mark this column when you have reported these materials in your online account.
Recycled: Mark this column when you have sent your materials for recycling.
Tally Form for Mixed Bin-Bag Counts
Tally Form for Weighed Recyclables
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Recycle Rally
Recycle Rally is a free K-12 program that provides rewards and tools to help enhance recycling at your school!
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