Video: Watch These Kids Answer the Question "Why Recycle?"
These kids definitely get it!
Celebrity teacher Mr. D. asked his students an important question: “Why recycle?” Watch this video to check out their answers!
Why Recycle?
Mr. D. starts by laying out ten plastic bottles on a table and asks kids how many of those items they think are likely to end up in the recycling bin. His students assume that they all will, but he’s got a surprise for them. Only three out of ten plastic bottles are properly recycled. “How rude!” says Jackson.
Why don’t people recycle, Mr. D. wonders? Probably because “people are getting a bit more lazier,” explains Korvan. “But all it is is throwing stuff that recycles in the recycling bin!” Callie notes.
Then Mr. D. asks his students to send a message to the world about the importance of recycling. Here are their responses.
- Anna: “It’s not that hard. Just look for the recycling bin.”
- Daniel: “You need to start recycling because the more you recycle, the more you get back.” Jackson: “And it feels really good.”
- Korvan: “If one bottle goes out, then it could affect one animal.”
- Callie: “If you don’t recycle, then the world will be a nasty place. Because then, we probably won’t even be able to live there!”
More Recycling Resources
Does your school do its part when it comes to recycling? Hang these free printables to help remind everyone to recycle every day!
Recycling Posters
Post these around school. Have your students draw their own, too!
Recycling Classroom Door
Use this free printable kit to decorate your classroom door in honor of recycling. There’s even a video to show you how to make the most of it.
Recycling Pledge
Have students take this recycling pledge. Then print and hang the poster in each classroom for a constant reminder.
Do You Recycle
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Recycle Rally
Recycle Rally is a free K-12 program that provides rewards and tools to help enhance recycling at your school!
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