Printable Green Team Flyer: Join Our Green Team!
Editable for your school!
Use this printable Green Team flyer to invite and recruit students at your school to join. Save it to your computer, then edit it to include all the relevant details.
Printable Green Team Flyer: Join the Team!
What is a Green Team?
The [INSERT SCHOOL] Green Team is a group of students who are passionate about recycling and the Earth and want to make a difference at our school and in our community!
The Green Team is a great way to socialize with your peers and participate in games, challenges, projects, and more!
Why should I join the Green Team?
- Share your passion for the environment with others.
- Be a leader and make an important impact.
- Have fun with other students while doing something positive!
More Green Team Resources
Here are more easy ways to make your team a success!
Free Guide: How to Start a Green Team at Your School
Everything you need to start a Green Team! Learn how to get administration buy-in, plus find ways to recruit and engage students.
Free Printable: Green Team Banner
Print this banner on regular printer paper, then cut it out and glue it together. Hang it high to tell everyone you’re going green!
Free Email Templates for School Green Teams
Use these email templates to recruit new members and support for your school’s Green Team. Just cut and paste, update your info, and send your Green Team emails out to parents and staff!
Recruiting Green Team Members Handout/Sign
Learn More

Recycle Rally
Recycle Rally is a free K-12 program that provides rewards and tools to help enhance recycling at your school!
Explore now
Additional Resources
Our comprehensive library of resources was designed to inspire the next generation of green leaders.
Explore now