This Recycle Sorting Game Teaches Kids What Can Be Recycled
Challenge them to sort!
In some communities, all recyclables go into the same bin and are sorted at the waste management facility. In others, you need to separate different types of items and place them in the proper bins. Teach kids this valuable skill with a simple recycle sorting game.
To play, download and print the recycle sorting game pages. Cut out the item cards. Consider laminating the cards and sorting board so you can use them again and again. (Note that row one is glass, row two is metal, row three is paper, and row four is plastic.)
Have students pick a card and decide whether they think it’s metal, paper, plastic, or glass. Then place the card in the right place on the recycle sorting game board.
Recycle Sorting Game Enrichment Ideas
Make the most of this game by incorporating some of these other activities.
Watch a Video
These videos complement and expand on the idea of sorting recyclables properly. They’re all quick views, with lots of great info for students to learn.
- Recycling Through Your Eyes
- Can I Recycle That? Plastic Bottles and Jugs
- Why Recycling Just One Bottle Matters
- Can I Recycle That? Mixed Paper
- Can I Recycle That? Metal Containers
- What Is Recycling Contamination?
- Can I Recycle That? Flat Plastics
Take a Recycling Pledge
Print this free poster, then have kids sign or initial it to confirm their commitment to living green.
Learn Which Items Can and Can’t Be Recycled
Use this lesson plan to help students research which items can and can’t be recycled in your community.
Find Out Where Waste Goes
When items wind up in the trash, where do they go? Discover the answer with this lesson plan.
Make a “What’s Recyclable?” Display
Create a bulletin board or other display to help students remember the importance of proper recycling. Find lots of inspiration here!
Recycle Sort
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Recycle Rally
Recycle Rally is a free K-12 program that provides rewards and tools to help enhance recycling at your school!
Explore now
Additional Resources
Our comprehensive library of resources was designed to inspire the next generation of green leaders.
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